‘The Arc of the Path'

This series will take us through the entire path as presented in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Here is the text of the contemplation referred to - Here

‘A Brief Introduction to the Three Yanas’ - Here
‘What Makes You a Buddhist’ - Here
'What the Buddha Taught’ - Here
‘The Three Resolutions’ - Here

 ‘The Four Foundations of Mindfulness’ - Here
  Supporting quotes - Here

Supporting quotes - Here


‘Glimpses of Mahayana’, by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche - Here
            Related quotes - Here

Supporting quotes: Here
 ‘Madhyamaka Reasonings’ -Ponlop Rinpoche - Here

‘What is Mahamudra’, by Traleg Rinpoche - Here
‘Three Classifications of Mahamudra’ by Ponlop Rinpoche - Here