Welcome to Locals Corner
For members and friends of the Buddhist Center
who live in and around the Steamboat Area
and want to keep up on in-person activities.
Volunteer Activities
Volunteers Needed! Click here to sign up to re-stock the "Blessing Box," a resource of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items for the community at HOS. Contact Laurie Edwards for details.
Current Happenings
Har Mishpacha has invited all communities of HOS to a celebration of light and peace with their community as they light the Menorah December 29th in the courtyard outside Heart of Steamboat at 5:30 - 6:30pm. They would like us to sign-up if we plan to attend. Hot drinks will be provided.
“Generosity is the ornament of the world
Through generosity, one turns back from the lower realms
Generosity is the stairway to the higher realms
Generosity is the virtue that produces peace”