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Quick Guide to the Buddhist Center
We invite you to take part in whatever we have to offer, in whatever way you like, and as often as you like. Here’s a guide to the activities and offerings at the Buddhist Center.
There are three ‘legs’ to our community and to the spiritual life in general:
We read, listen to and contemplate the teachings in order to orient our understanding of ourselves and the world that we perceive in a way that is clear and accurate.
Such a clear understanding is conducive to a peaceful life and one that is deeply affectionate and appreciative of others.
Meditation Practice
We practice meditation so that this understanding can take root in a clear and stable mind.
Community Life
We gather in community to share and celebrate the spiritual journey. Friends along the path support us, inspire us and can act as a mirror so we can more clearly see ourselves.
We contribute to the larger community through action and our Karuna Fund.
Join In
The Buddhist Center invites anyone interested in learning to meditate in general or about Buddhism in particular. The Buddhist Center is open to anyone, of any faith at any level of experience.
Each of our Monday night gatherings is oriented such that both new people and the ‘old hands’ can be enriched. In the beginning, it’s common to feel a bit intimidated or confused as you hear new terms or engage in new activities. The concept of ‘beginner’s mind’ is celebrated in Buddhism as the quality of experience that is already close to the ‘heart of the matter’.
The most important thing is to be patient and ask a lot of questions.
Meditate & Learn
Meditation is a core piece of our practice and The Path in general. Meditation is always available to us, on and off the cushion, as often as we choose to rest in awareness.
We’ve compiled a vast collection of resources and guides to suit newcomers and long-time practitioners.
Monday Nights
Join us for our Monday night gatherings (online and in-person) to meditate together, listen to and discuss the teachings. Everyone is welcome!
The BCSS Community meets weekly at 6:30 pm MT in the labyrinth room at the Heart of Steamboat Methodist Church and online via Zoom.
Social Action
Locally, we support the larger Steamboat community with our food drive in July. We encourage remote members to support causes in their local communities.
Once a year, our Karuna Fund supports a member-chosen, nationwide charity. The sangha contributes matching funds from or members/friends.
Saturday Half-Day Mini Retreat — On the 1st Saturday of each month (except for holidays or occasional exceptions), we gather for a morning of meditation, 9 am - 10:30 am MT online and in person.
Weekend retreats – from time to time we present weekend programs to explore various aspects of the spiritual path. Check out our Calendar or sign up for our email list to stay in the loop.
Teacher Visits
We have long and deep relationships with many of the most gifted teachers from the Tibetan tradition. We’re fortunate to be able to host them here in Steamboat from time to time.
Community Gatherings
Join us for local social gatherings, such as our periodic pot-luck dinners. Our remote communities are encouraged to get together as often as they can.
Stay In Touch
You are invited to explore this website created by Tim as an offering to all who find themselves here.
The resources Tab at the top includes guides and information such as:
Online Study Programs | Reading List | Podcasts | Articles | Videos
Learning about our history and tradition
Our monthly calendar
Recordings of Monday night talks
Reading lists
An interactive curriculum of study
Great articles, podcasts and videos
Read from the Buddhist press especially:
Lion’s Roar and Tricycle magazines
Read any of the wonderful books available about meditation and Buddhism. You might want to start with one of these:
The Joy of Living- Mingyur Rinpoche
Open Heart, Open Mind - Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Happiness - Matthieu Ricard
Why Meditate - Matthieu Ricard
What Makes You Not a Buddhist - Dzongsar Khyentse
The Myth of Freedom - Chogyam Trungpa
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying - Sogyal Rinpoche
The Buddha and His Teachings - Bercholz/Kohn
Joyful Wisdom - Mingyur Rinpoche
Books by Pema Chodron:
Taking the Leap
When Things Fall Apart
The Wisdom of No Escape
Start Where You Are