The Buddhist Center Study Curriculum

These two series each present an overview of the entire Buddhist path.

An understanding of the main themes presented form the proper basis on which to pursue the threefold path of ‘hearing, contemplating and meditating’.  These are laid out according to the Buddha’s presentation of the material beginning with the foundation, proceeding along the path, and realizing the fruition. 

Often this progression is put into the context of the ‘three yanas’, or three vehicles, of the path: the Hinayana, the Mahayana, and the Vajrayana. It’s highly recommended that everyone in The Buddhist Center community become familiar with one, or both of these presentations.

First - ‘The Arc of the Path’ is a concise presentation of the Buddhist path in 10 talks

Second - Here’s another, somewhat more extensive, curriculum in 2 parts:

        The ‘Foundation’
        The ‘Great Vehicle'

Here are some resources to support ngondro practice.
Excellent glossary