Mahayana - the ‘Great’ Vehicle
The Second Turning of the Wheel of Dharma
#1 - Openness:
As mind settles through our practice, we’re able to see the nature of our world more clearly. Everything we see is marked by the continuous change, and complete openness.
To Read:
"Glimpses of Mahayana" - By Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche - In this beautiful and profound discussion, Trungpa Rinpoche says “Inviting all sentient beings as our guests is the starting point of applying compassion in the Mahayana.” - Read here
"The Bodhisattva" - By Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche- The bodhisattva—the renowned ideal of Mahayana Buddhism—is not a god or deity but a way of being we can all aspire to. As Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche explains, those who take the bodhisattva vow make one simple commitment: to put others first, holding nothing back for themselves. - Read here
#2 Soft Spot
As our world softens and opens up we become deeply interested in others. We ‘see’ others for the first time. We touch others with our interest and the result is tremendous interest and affection. We experience other’s nature,their vulnerability and ‘soft spot’ - we fall in love with our world.
To Read: Compassion and Wisdom - By Venerable Khandro Rinpoche - Read here
Our meditation practice naturally brings us a sense of ease with ourselves and an willingness to open out into our world. We begin to see others with the same interest and warmth that we’ve started to feel towards ourselves. We’re naturally drawn to get involved with others, and to be of help in any way we can. We’re also drawn to continue to progress along the path to full awakening, in order to develop the wisdom and skill needed to be of greatest benefit. This determination expresses itself through a quality of giving, and a willingness to give up whatever gets in the way of touching others.
To read:
"Generosity's Perfection" - By Sharon Salzberg Read here
These ‘Boundless attitudes‘ describe the approach, the outlook and the training of an ‘aspiring Bodhisattva’.
#1 - Loving Kindness - “ May all beings enjoy happiness and the root of happiness”
#2 - Compassion - “May they be free from suffering and the cause of suffering”
Article to read: Compassion and Wisdom - By Venerable Khandro Rinpoche - Read here
#4 - Equanimity - “May they dwell in the ‘great equanimity’ free from passion, aggression and prejudice. ”
#3 - Sympathetic Joy - “May they not be separated from the great happiness devoid of suffering”
Buddhism has come down to us in an unbroken succession of teacher to student transmission. Consequently, the wisdom expressed in the teachings is fresh and authentic. The example and the power of this transmission is always available to us as we progress along the path.
“Generosity is the ornament of the world
Through generosity, one turns back from the lower realms
Generosity is the stairway to the higher realms
Generosity is the virtue that produces peace”